1. Data Controller 1.1) In accordance with Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (KVKK), your personal data will be processed within the scope explained by Arif Güvenç Individual Company (Site Owner/Company), which is the data controller, located at Kaptanpaşa Mah. Yay Sokak No:72/a-b Beyoğlu/İstanbul within YÜKLEGO. 1.2) In this Privacy Policy and KVKK Information Text, the conditions and terms regarding the use of personal data arising during the operation of the website and platform operated by Arif GÜVENÇ Individual Company (Site Owner) are specified for the users/members/visitors of the Site/Mobile application ("Data Subject").
  2. For What Purpose are Personal Data Processed? 2.1) Your collected personal data may be processed within the scope of the purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVKK for ensuring the legal and commercial security of individuals in business relations with YUKLEGO, determining and implementing commercial and business strategies. Your personal data may be transferred to our business partners, shareholders, legally authorized public institutions, and private individuals within the framework of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 8 and 9 of the KVKK. 2.2) Your personal data will not be used for purposes other than those stated above and will not be shared with or transferred to third parties except for legal obligations and official institutions/organizations. Your personal data can only be processed and transferred within the scope of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data published in the Official Gazette dated April 7, 2016, and numbered 29677.
  3. What is Personal Data? 3.1) Your personal data processed by YÜKLEGO are as follows, written in accordance with the principles determined by the Personal Data Protection Law. The term "personal data" includes but is not limited to the following information: Identity and Contact Information: name, surname, phone number, address, workplace information, email address, User Information, User Transaction Information, and Financial Information: membership information, membership ID number, data regarding your use of the services provided by the Site Owner, reasons for contacting the Site Owner or Support, terms used for searches on the Site, your comments, errors occurring during use, invoice and payment information, balance information (samples of invoices sent to users and receipts from users, invoice number, invoice amount, invoice issue date, etc.), Location Information, Transaction Security Information: log in credential information, password information, reports and evaluations regarding the frequency of using the application, targeting information, cookie records, etc., Request/Complaint Management Information, requests and complaints made through the Site, Risk Management Information: IP address. Our courier application may collect information about your current location even if the application is running in the background. We may share this information with the customer who ordered the delivery for that delivery. Your current location information will be kept for the shortest time necessary in compliance with the relevant law. 3.2) Data anonymized under Articles 3 and 7 of the Law shall not be considered personal data in accordance with the provisions of the said law, and processing activities related to this data will be carried out without being subject to the provisions of this Privacy Policy. (Regarding applications for whether your data is processed or not, see: PART II)
  4. What is the Purpose of Using Your Data? 4.1) Your personal data shared with YÜKLEGO by the Site Owner may be processed for the purpose of enabling you to benefit from the services provided by the Site Owner and through the Site or Mobile application, registering your membership on the Site, updating your membership registration, improving the services provided by the Site Owner and those offered through the Site, introducing new services, conducting commercial activities including determining and implementing commercial and business strategies, ensuring the legal and commercial security of the Site Owner and individuals in business relations with the Site Owner, providing necessary information to you in this regard, and fulfilling the obligations arising from the nature of these activities. 4.2) The aforementioned personal information is primarily collected to contact you. Your data may also be used for customer satisfaction-based purposes such as improving your experience on the Mobile application, evaluating the communication management process, conducting satisfaction surveys. Furthermore, these processed data may be used within the scope of company internal reporting and business development activities. In addition, they may be used for various statistical evaluations, database creation, and market research purposes in an anonymous form without disclosing your identity. 4.3) In accordance with Articles 5 and 8 of the Law, and/or the existence of exceptions in the relevant legislation, the Site Owner may process personal data and share it with third parties without the separate consent of the Data Subjects. The most fundamental of these situations are specified below: Clearly stipulated in the laws, It is necessary for the protection of life or physical integrity of the data subject or someone else who is unable to express their consent due to actual impossibility or whose consent is not legally valid, It is necessary for the establishment or performance of any contract between the data subject and the Site Owner, It is necessary for the Site Owner to fulfill its legal obligations, It has been made public by the data subject himself/herself, Processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise, or protection of a right, Processing is necessary for the legitimate interests pursued by the Site Owner provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject. 4.4) The Site Owner may use cookies for the data collection process and may transmit them to third parties only to the extent necessary for processing within the scope of analysis services provided by third parties. (See: PART III Cookie Policy)
  5. To Whom and for What Purpose Can Your Processed Data be Transferred? 5.1) Your collected personal data may be shared with third-party service providers (including SMS and email service providers), hosting services, law firms, etc., for the purpose of improving your user experience (including improvement and personalization), ensuring your security, detecting fraudulent or unauthorized uses, conducting field research, resolving errors related to Site services, and any of the purposes mentioned in this Information Text and Privacy Policy. Our company and affiliated companies conduct necessary studies to benefit from the products and services offered by our company, to customize them according to your preferences, usage habits, and needs, ensuring the legal and commercial security of individuals in business relations with our company, performing administrative operations related to communication, ensuring the physical security and auditing of locations owned by the Company, evaluating business partners/customers/suppliers (authorized or employees), reputation research processes, legal compliance process, audit, financial affairs, etc. The personal data may be transferred to business partners, Group Companies, Company officials, our shareholders, legally authorized public institutions and private individuals within the scope of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 8 and 9 of the PDPL. 5.2) As a Data Subject, you acknowledge that the aforementioned third parties may store your personal data on their servers anywhere in the world, subject to the limited purposes mentioned above. 5.3) As a Data Subject, you undertake to ensure that the information covered by this Privacy Policy is complete, accurate, and up-to-date, and to update this information immediately if any changes occur. If you fail to provide up-to-date information, the Site Owner will not be responsible for any consequences. 5.4) As a Data Subject, you acknowledge that if you make a request that results in any of your personal data not being used by the Site Owner, you may not fully benefit from the operation of the Site or the Mobile application, and you declare that you will be responsible for any consequences arising from this situation.
  6. How Long Will Your Data be Retained? Your personal data shared with the Site Owner will be stored by the Site Owner for the period required by the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy and during the limitation periods specified in the relevant legislation. In addition, your personal data may be retained for the purpose of conducting necessary defenses in case of any disputes that may arise between you and the Site Owner, limited to such disputes.
  7. How Do We Ensure the Security of Your Data? 7.1) The Site Owner takes necessary technical and administrative measures to ensure that personal data is not processed unlawfully, accessed unlawfully, or compromised in terms of preservation, in accordance with the relevant legislation or the conditions expressed in this text, considering the appropriate conditions and costs/as a minimum level of security. Despite the Site Owner taking necessary information security measures, the Site Owner will not be responsible for any liability in case of damage to confidential information or access to third parties as a result of attacks on the Site or the system. 7.2) In addition, the Site Owner does not disclose the personal data obtained from you to third parties in violation of this Privacy Policy and the Personal Data Protection Law, and does not use it for purposes other than processing. 7.3) In case of linking to other applications through the Site, the Site Owner does not bear any responsibility for the privacy policies and contents of these applications and recommends reviewing these texts.
  8. Changes in the Privacy Policy This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time to comply with changing conditions and legislation.

PART II) YOUR RIGHT OF APPLICATION UNDER LAW NO. 6698 ON THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA: Dear Visitor and Valued Users; Regarding the processing of personal data; name, surname, nickname, date of birth, gender, marital status, address and delivery address, education level, profession/occupation, user/customer information, special-official identity, ID number, and tax information, photo, image recordings and call center conversation recordings, invoice contents, payment methods, secret information except for card and account information, mobile, home, and fax numbers, email addresses, approaches and actions related to electronic commercial and other communications, various purposes used for fixed and mobile device names, types, models, and codes, identification information (cookie, web browser signs-information, IP, etc.), advertising identifiers, social media profile and account information-operations, and location data, etc. your personal data collection method and legal reason, the purpose of processing, and to whom and for what purpose they may be transferred have been informed to you within the scope of this text. Under the KVKK, the rights you have regarding your personal data are listed below. 1-Learning whether personal data is processed, 2-Requesting information if personal data is processed, 3-Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose, 4-Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data in case the reasons requiring their processing disappear, 5-Requesting compensation in case of damage due to unlawful processing of personal data, 6-Requesting correction of personal data in case they are incomplete or incorrect, 7-Requesting the notification to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred, if the corrected or deleted data is requested by you, and 8-Objecting to the emergence of a result against you by analyzing the processed data solely through automated systems, 9- Knowing third parties to whom personal data are transferred domestically or abroad. You can apply to our Company Arif Güvenç Individual Company, the Data Controller, for all matters, except for the information that must be legally preserved, your information will be deleted or destroyed from the data registration system, or anonymized, provided that legal rights are reserved upon request.